My ears have ascended.

You should post some of your music. I'll be shocked if you do.

If you knew anything about labels, you should know that you aren't allowed to post your unreleased tracks online, everything that you've uploaded on Soundcloud is basically worthless since you can't release them anymore.

I don't need to show off my tracks to random strangers on the internet, nor do I feel the need to upload them to show off on social media. Friends are always welcome to come down to my house if they are that interested into my music.

I've had enough trouble with people recording unreleased tracks at gigs and posting them on YouTube.

I've basically kept this chain going just to keep you talking so people can see what an idiot you really are. So far it's worked flawlessly.

Lmao, you don't really know how Reddit works do you? You respond to a highly upvoted post and these reactions are often buried under a lot of other shit.

Also, I delete my comments because I don't like my history being flooded with kids who think they are famous because they have 1695 followers on Soundcloud or 6919 views on YouTube.

Hey guys I'm a 12 year old producer/DJ from Ohio named Josh Shetter. I play 20 man gigs in bars which can't even afford to have their own proper CDJ-setup so I have to bring some old turntables I found at the thrift store.

Then when I get home I get on my crappy Toshiba laptop and diss people on the Internet how they can't afford better speakers then KRK Rokits. I also say that they haven't achieved nothing in life and I'm the greatest of them all.

I should go more often to the gym, but I'm too lazy. Also when im performing I never look into the crowd because I'm too scared they will see my face and get a heartattack.

I'm sick of you, goodbye.

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