My entire life is a disaster. I feel so alone. I wish someone would just talk to me.

Stop praying that you won't wake up in the morning. Pray that tomorrow you have the strength to rise above your circumstances and change. I don't care who you are, you have the right to pursue and find happiness just like anybody else. Whether other people think you're a loser or not, it doesn't matter, they can't stop you from doing the things you want to do in life. Right now your worst enemy is yourself.

You're 22, that's nothing. I know people in their 40s that are struggling. You have every opportunity to turn your life around, and you wouldn't be the first person to go from the bottom to the top. In fact if you can get yourself to the point where you are improving your life, you will probably soar beyond your expectations. And when you get there, you will appreciate it because you had to truly earn it, while your friends were given nice things. You will have character. You will have a story. This is your perfect opportunity to turn your life into an amazing experience.

First thing is you have to change your mind and your attitude. That's probably the hardest part and will require a constant effort. Right now your mind is aligned against you, you are looking at everything through a skewed lens. Everything seems hopeless so you aren't doing the right things to help yourself. If you can change your mind, you can change your life. You must become your own best friend and your biggest advocate. You owe yourself at least that much! DECIDE that you are capable of acquiring all the things you want in life. That is the first step. That's it.

Write down a list of everything you want to change in your life and make a plan to attack every single one. Do the research required to come up with at least some kind of a plan for every item on the list. Something. You dropped out? Start studying for your GED. Not in shape? Start doing push ups every day. Start being resourceful and ask the right questions to get what you want. Ask the right people what you need to do to move up.

Tune EVERYONE else out. When you decide to change your attitude and take these things on, tune out the critiques outside and the one inside. Some girl loved you and then dumped you? Guess what that happens to tons of us. You will get passed this, and the quickest way is by focusing all your mind and heart on improving your situation. Your value is not measure on what happens to you, you are measured on what you do about it. Life kicks everyone in the balls, the test is going to be what you do about it. Love yourself enough to decide you deserve better than this, and fight for it.

/r/depression Thread