My epileptic fiance is ruining my life

He should not be driving but can't get it through his fucking head that he's hurting other people. He has a total macho man ego thing. He killed someone's beloved dog because he had a seizure and got into a car accident and just screams at me if I were to ever bring that up so I don't. He doesn't care about other people's safety, seriously, he just wants to feel like a """""man"""" and still be able to drive. It took his parents taking his car away from him so he couldn't keep doing that, but he still just does it.

Because he blacks out when seizures happen I don't think he realizes the impact. And if you try to talk to him about them he will shit down and go away. Thing is you need to effin hear about it especially if you killed a person's dog and treat it like an "oh well" WTF

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