My ex-boyfriend killed himself yesterday

I am truly sorry for your pain. I have limited experience in this area.

This is a horrible thing to ask, I feel dirty even asking the question.

If one was to kill themselves how could they reduce the pain to those left behind?

What if they did not leave a note and make it look like an accident - would this be better?

I know someone who is a single dad. He works so hard to support his two children that he has full custody of. He rented out his apartment and moved into his parents place. His dad recently died and now its just him and his mum living there. He works nights when he can and works from home in the day. He is someone who I have absolute respect for, a leader in our industry and a genuinely good human. He also confided in me a little about his life and how he has multiple mental health issues.

Last time he saw me we continued to talk about mental health. We both have similar feelings and have been torn apart due to the nature of the work we do. (no we are not prostitutes lol) The fact is he has absolutely no life.

He confessed that he wished someone would just take him out on his drive home to minimise the pain to his children. He is truly depressed, but considering his experiences and the fact he is more then 20 years older then me there is no way that I can try and influence him. If I did so I think he would decide to loose me as a friend and he doesn't have very many. If anything he told me about these things to try and help me.

He knows he can always call me but there is too much pride. I totally understanding this having mental health issues myself. He has had counselling before (not by choice) but emphasised how unhelpful it was.

So I ask again, if he died in the way he described would this be better?

Is there anything I can do to help him?

/r/offmychest Thread