My ex (F24) drugged me (M24) and I want to physically hurt her. I need someone to hear my story please.

I may not have the greatest opinion on this, but don’t give up. That’s extremely fucked of her to do, but if you give up then it’s only letting her win. I’m not exactly sure what you can do to help the “symptoms”, but please don’t ever hurt yourself. It is not worth it. You seem to be doing great, and I bet you can probably get to where you were before. Giving up accomplished nothing, keep trying, you can get there again. Be the most successful person and she will wish she never hurt you. I’m sorry this happened to you, I wish there were more specific advice I could give. Another idea could be getting a physical check at the doctors office to see if there actually could be anything wrong, and what advice they can give medically.

/r/relationships Thread