My ex used upwards of $250 with my card for Uber unauthorized and he is on probation. I want to press charges but Uber only gave me his first name. Do I have any grounds? [FL]

It's a no contact order I think. Technically I am allowed to talk to him, but not the other way around. I am a victim of domestic violence that took place ~2 years ago. Had a friend text him asking why he used my card and he denied it.

I don't expect Uber to release further personal information to me about him but I do feel unsafe as my personal information has been compromised and as I said, he at one point had access to even my SSN and social security card as he used to be my manager..

I know it sounds crazy that I would be worried about that but he did try to kill me, twice, so I don't think it's much of a stretch. He never even had physical access to the card he has been using for Uber unless he took a picture of it at one point in the past while I was asleep.

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