"My experience persuaded me that marriage is the only context in which sex can truly be between equals."

From the comment section:

""Whether we like it or not, sex is intrinsically biased against the woman: biological reality dictates that she carries the brunt of sexual risks while he wields the majority of the of sexual power" -Wow, what a joke. You have no idea what it is like for the average guy to get laid. An average looking woman can start a dating profile and have 100+ suitors in 2 days or go to a nightclub and get approached, yet "guys have all the sexual power." GTFO. You only view things through your experience and when things do go they way you like it "men have it easy and women are oppressed."

"he restrains his sexuality until he’s ready to share her sexual risks" -This just contradicts your statement above

"men fitting this description (would knowingly endanger the well-being of another person or his possible future child for the sake of his lust) are often seen as the alpha males of our dating market" -this is an absurd claim. "men are bid bad evil guys who have all the power and are hurting me, waaaaah"

"legally binding himself to her welfare, future, and their children" -of course, he is the one bound, because she can walk off scot free and with half his stuff and the kids to boot at any time

"he gave me my first orgasm" -bullshit

This article is garbage. Some woman who got to be a party girl and be promiscuous and then landed a nice beta to marry, crying about "boohoo it's so hard for women, guys have all the power and they're bad." Meanwhile, the average guy gets ignored and is lucky and happy to get any sex at all, while this chicken has 15 sex partners by age 21. Fucking ridiculous. Just remember women will ALWAYS play the victim even when they get to have their cake and eat it too. They still want your cake.

Thanks for wasting my time you whore."


/r/DarkEnlightenment Thread Link - verilymag.com