My experience quitting kratom, and the withdrawals I've had since.

I️ will see if I️ can help. I’m a physical therapist and I’m also just personally interested in neurological and balance deficits so this is the area where I️ probably am most well versed.

I have a bunch of questions I️ would want to ask you. I️ can do it here or over PM if you prefer.

But my first question is whether or not this PT has ever provided any sort of potential diagnosis or cause for your issues. I️ also want to know if they explained why it might take months to see any significant changes. If they aren’t explaining this to you or cannot provide detailed insight into their reasoning, then I️ would be a little skeptical of the clinician. As much as I️ hate to say this, my profession is littered with mediocre to poor clinicians, and it shows in their work.

I️ would mostly want to see if I️ could identify any patterns in your symptoms and actually get to a root cause of your problems. Feel free to send me a line.

/r/quittingkratom Thread