My Experience With OKCupid So Far

Yeah, It's time for the airing of grievances and I have a lot of problems with this post.

Admittedly you did meet a couple of meatheads but it's silly to think every guy is like that just because they decided to tread the water with a neutral greeting like "hi".

A lot of guys have had an experience where a girls eyes start glazing over if he really starts talking about what he's passionate in so they'd rather just open up with some small talk and then get into a more intimate conversation during an in-person date. That's really the goal here. Make an initial introduction, see if there's chemistry and then schedule a date within a few messages so you can have a real conversation. No guy will ever have a lengthy conversation about his interests with you over text because he knows that you can simply stop replying at any time if you don't like his answers. Then what the hell was the point of him pouring out his soul to you if you're just going to treat him like shit?

If he really has a thing for you, he'll want to meet you in person. Because people with different interests often make great couples, he doesn't want something as stupid as the fact that you like different movies to come in between you. Real relationships are based on mutual understanding and appreciation instead of what movies or books you both like. I hate having a detailed conversation over text, especially with someone who could be the one when they could just poof at any time. Maybe this guy's an idiot or maybe he just wanted to know you better and was scared of giving you a wrong answer. I'll take "What is empathy?" for $500 Alex.

What I was saying about girls eyes glazing over also applies to the profile. Guys know that if they really put themselves out there, girls who are shallow as hell, who make blanket assumptions off of people, (cough cough, you) without even talking to them will just dismiss them without even giving them a chance to express themselves. Society loves to put people in boxes by calling them hipsters or nerds or jocks. Making the profile generic is safe because you'll be able to talk to as many people with different interests as possible who you could be a great match for despite your different interests. Do you really want to miss out on your soul mate because you like Nintendo and she likes Sony? Fuck that. It's a given that pictures and few paragraphs are a terrible way to really know who a person is. You need to actually talk to them to know that. I bet this meathead dude you talked to is actually a really interesting guy but you just backed out because the conversation didn't go according to how you wanted it.

Girls have this stupid idea that by not replying when they're not interested, they're being polite. Actually it's rude as hell in real life and rude as hell on the internet. Considering you're on the internet, he can't do shit to you. Just say "no" if you're not interested and block him if he's being a creep. It's literally that simple. Only a complete sociopath would ignore someone who wants to make a connection with you. If you said hi to me at a bar and I just stared into space, wouldn't you think I was being a jerk? Even if you fugly, i'd at least give a nod. Like this dude, you could have just said, "I'm not interested in meeting a guy who isn't passionate about books" and he probably would have opened up.

OkCupid ideally would be like a bar. You go up to a girl, say "hi" and start up a conversation on whatever. Instead the way it works is, you go up to a girl, at first she ignores you, stares at you for like 30 seconds, thinks you're boring because she doesn't like your outfit and then walks off without even talking to you. Online dating has somehow taken everything awkward about real life interaction and made it much worse. You can't know anybody with a few pictures and a couple of paragraphs.

When dudes like that say hi and you're interested, you could just get straight to the point and ask him why he's reaching out to you. No one wants to start several pages of texting over what books they like and how you love "getting lost in a world where anything can happen". Jesus Christ, just reading that would make me instantly block you. There is a time and a place for discussing literature and this ain't it. Be direct, to the point and ask open ended questions for great chats!

rant over.

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