My experience with poverty.

I lived on $6600-14000/year and single. Literally, until 2-3 years ago. You make it work.

I defaulted on debt (student loans, water bills, etc.). I’ve had an addict boyfriend literally steal from my checkings and overdraft my account more than once. I’ve not had a car, made $40/day at work, and had to pay $30 for a taxi to get me there and back - Working for that extra $4 meant a LOT to me.

Sure, these aren’t yours or anyone elses’ here stories, but Im sure there are similar experiences. Ive been broke off my ass. When I can save, I saved. Thats the point of saving - it supplements an emergency. If i had to take a little debt to get my head over water, I took the debt. But you gotta work hard to make sure you don’t drown in it.

Sure, we can’t abide by those suggestions all the time, but when we can we should.

/r/povertyfinance Thread Parent