My expwBPD Believed She Was Cured. Anyone else experience this?

I don't love pwBPD. In fact theres no one in my life currently with BPD. Nor am I being an apologist for anyone. Im not apologizing for anyones bad behavior or excusing anything. I would like to know why being angry about abusers using their mental illness as an excuse to be abusive is equated with apologism of any kind. I do not like abusers saying its ok to abuse bc they have BPD, because that creates misinformation. I want people to have more available access to information so they reduce the degree to which they can be manipulated. If I were a BPD apologist I would say something like " we shouldn't be so hard on pwBPD they cant help it" when I'm literally saying the opposite. Im saying "stop treating pwBPD like theyre not in control of their actions, because they are."

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