My extremely reasonable, intelligent friend is running for Senate but has the worst logo I've ever seen. He needs signatures just to get on the ballot, take pity on him please.

I’m sure your friend is a fantastic man, I really am. I bet he’s a great dad, a good friend. I bet I would like him if I met him. But you know what, no. Just no. He’s Reasonable..? BUT believes the earth is 6000 years old. Yes, Arizona needs Another christian conservative that has a website that might have less words than this Reddit comment, half if you remove the word military and typical republican rally super friendship god club phrases. No hard stances on political issues gives him room to be another party voting drone destroying anything that currently serves the countries best interest.

For what it’s worth this is Arizona, so I’m the minority here. He will be fine. Maybe bold the god part.

/r/phoenix Thread Link -