My eyebrows continue the circle from my hat (don’t mind the Snapchat text)

There is nothing inherently wrong with conforming to social pressures. Conformation among humans is a key aspect of our nature that allows us to coexist as a species. There's a word for everyone acting on their own without regard to societal conformity. It's anarchy. And it's not a good thing for the species.

The desire to be accepted is not driven sorely by fear. Just the same as the desire to eat is not driven sorely by fear of staring. Being accepted brings reward. Are you afraid of disillusion? Or do you seek the benefits of inclusion? Both of those motivations are very different. And the degree to which they are applicable will be different for different people.

Personally, I mostly a loaner. If the whole world hated me, it wouldn't bug me in the slightest. However, I want a nice house and a cool car and all the other benefits of being gainfully employed. So every day, I get up, shower and put on nice clothes before I go to work.

Am I afraid of anything when I do that? Nope. So, every time you say that conformity is driven by fear, I have to wonder what shitty life you've lived to make you think that's all there is to it.

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