My [F/25] best friends [F/26] husband [M/28] will not let me see her or their kids anymore because I am a lesbian and is turning our mutual friends against me.

You need to let go of your friend and listen to the people who are telling you to give it a rest.

"More women should submit to their man and listen to him"

This is bibically sound and is by no means abuse. Submitting to a man doesn't necessarily mean oppression; it can just as easily be a gift that she wants to give to him. To submit, to respect his opinion, and to love him.

We will be filling this whole house with kids." I kind of laughed it off, but maybe its his attempt to keep her pregnant and under his control for as long as he can?

Have you considered that maybe they don't want to use contraception? Especially if they're Catholic--contraception is something that the Catholic Church disagrees with. If she looks happy with him then you should really just let them be and allow them to have as many kids as they want, whether that be 1, 5, or 20.

A couple days later I sent her message again asking what was up, plus sent unanswered texts and left voice mails. She replied on Facebook that she "didn't think we should talk for a while". Then shortly after that she blocked me.

This is stalker behavior. If she is ignoring you and is blocking you, you cannot force her to respond to you. The more you do this, the crazier you look. You still didn't get the message because you then went on her Instagram and tried to contact her. This is called stalking. She has set clear boundaries and you are unwilling to respect them.

One of the mutual friends said "Stop trying to ruin what she has. She never has to worry about anything ever again. He is the best thing to ever happen to her, don't you see how happy they are?" I stopped talking to that person right away.

You stopped talking to this person because they told you the reality and you were unwilling to admit it?

Her husband told me "You know, what you are doing right now is trespassing." I told him that I wanted to check on my best friend because she had not responded to me and something seemed wrong". I cannot believe what he said to me. He said "Look. I don't hate you and ***** and I pray for you literally every night. We really do deeply care for you, but until you stop deciding to be homosexual or start under going treatment for it, I will not allow you to be around my children. Our world is ill and I will not allow that illness to contaminate my living room or my children's young minds.

According to their beliefs, homosexuality is a sin and you need to face that. You need to realize that their beliefs are going to prevent you from being friends with her. You can't force her to change her beliefs.

I can't really remember what I said but I yelled at him about being controlling, abusive and sexist.

She has found a happy marriage in Christ, and is choosing not to be friends with you anymore. I think it's pretty clear that your behavior is way out of line. Not only did you not stop with the Instagram-stalking, but then you try to visit her at her house. If there's a problem of abuse, I'm very sure that at least one of her other mutual friends would agree with you and would try to help her out with you. The fact that they are telling you to back off means that you are in the wrong here because you are unable to accept reality. You can't force other people to accept who you are and you can't control their decisions. You're the one who is rationalizing your behavior by turning religion into the bad guy. This whole post reads like a terrifying conspiracy theory. Your best friend's husband does not have the power to turn her and all your mutual friends against you, and it's not because you're lesbian. It's because you don't know how to properly behave and can't accept the word "no."

/r/relationships Thread