My(F30) boyfriend (M32) says he loves me but that his ex is “the one who got away”

My feelings for OP far supersede the other. OP isn’t even close to telling the whole story here. Kinda how she’s been our whole relationship. The other woman hurt me yes. OP was very angry that that woman approached me that day, jealously angry. Based on her reaction, I felt that it would harm the relationship that early on to tell her the full story. Yes, I reacted sternly when she jealously questioned me about her. When I found an appropriate time I told OP and she agreed she would’ve done the same, and she did do the same- one of which led to her breaking off with me the first time.

There’s much more very pertinent information to this story and her actions in the breakup that arent being shared here by the OP. But I’m better than lambasting her on Reddit.

Source- BF

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