Is it my fault for being sensitive?

They're harassing you. Real friends would look past your flaws, not make fun of you for your petty mistakes. Get new ones instead of trying to change them.

Also, having been in your situation, I can tell you're struggling with self esteem, worth and confidence. It took me well over 23 years to figure out how love myself and put myself first.

I highly recommend you youtube things like: "Self love" "How to put yourself first" "What is emotional manipulation?" "What is gaslighting?"

One of the best YouTube channels is Stephanie Lyn Coaching. She's super helpful in understanding emotional manipulation and showing you how to love yourself. Also, Lavendaire is a nice YouTube channel for learning self love. Btw, I didn't even know the word "emotional manipulation" and I recon you don't either. Plz check them out and good luck to you.

/r/Advice Thread