It's my fav Disney Star Wars movie so far

Hated it, couldn't watch it to the end.

The movie was really preachy, fanservice felt cheap and was filled with a ton of unnecessary romance.

>!They kept shoving to your face this love story between Han and this random girl (even though his relationship with Leia in the OT is pretty damn iconic), which would have been fine if it wasn't the damn thing driving the plot. I don't care about that girl he's gonna end up with Leia anyway !

I disliked nearly every character too with the exception of Lando which I thought was pretty cool and fitted nicely with his character, his droid though was insufferable IMO and her "relationship" with lando was ridiculous, a complete joke (or at least I wish it was).

The pirate bad guy seemed really cool at first but when it was revealed that it was in fact some freedom fighting kid I rolled my eyes so hard I quit the movie for good!<

I expected a gritty look to the star wars underworld and what I got was a bad romance shitfest stitched to a cold checkbox list of OT references.

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