My fear of hell is greater than my love for Christ. Please help.

If there is any on going habitual sin in your life, that might be taking the place of Jesus in your heart. It’s no surprise that we feel distant from God when sin is present because sin is what separated us from God in the first place. Jesus said if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. Meaning, we’re to take drastic measures into our own hands. Discipline my friend. Even if it’s in small increments, at least it’s progress in the right direction. The closer you come to God, the more you’ll get a taste of how good he is and how bad all that junk really is for our souls. Loving God isn’t a burden nor it isn’t hard work, it’s a privilege that he’s even considered us even after all our shortcomings. You don’t have to set up a meeting with God he’s always available for us and would love to have some intimate time with you.

/r/TrueChristian Thread