So my feminist uniform arrived in the mail today.

I have no clue what this non binary gender thing is supposed to be.

Yeah, thats pretty clear.

To me that misses completely what gender actually is, which is biology.

Yeah no. Gender is social, sex is biological, how hard is this to understand? Although they most certainly influence each other, it is not cut and dry.

And you can justify punching whoever you want, but I'm the end punching is still punching.

Riiiiight. Some people can take a punch and some people definitely deserve it. But that was with reference to humour, not violence, whatever.

You punch up at the established mid twenties white male, because that's what is in fashion right now among progressive circles.

Wow. Ok. Sounds fun. You got me pegged. Damn!

I can't blame you too much, you found something that helps you feel good.

You are really a patronising fuckwit that has no clue what they are talking about.

The only problem with your idea of punching up being justified it's that now you're affecting new generations of young boys. They're put on tons of medicine for being rambunctious, they are lagging behind in school, even in college graduates.

Did you just blame feminism for the overmedicalisation of the youth? Man, thats impressive. As for the whole lagging behind in school and the like?

Thats why I am a fucking feminist fuckwit. Feminism isn't about attacking mid twenties white men, feminism is about smashing fucked up gender norms, gender roles and taking down patriarchy, which fucks over men, whilst we are at it.

Why are there so few male teachers? Feminist issue.

Why are boys treated as less artistic? Feminist issue.

God, I could go into this for hours.

I'm not saying women should be ignored or you shouldn't punch, just don't think your punching is harmless or that the big bad mean men aren't affected by it.

Feminism is a movement for gender equality, I damn sure hope men are effected by it. Cause everyone should be happier that we are living in a more progressive and equal society.

Which is all funny, because the "punching up, punching down" thing was with reference to humour and how its harder to punch up than down and all TIA does is punch the fuck down. Heh.

Smash the systems of power and make the world a better place. For everyone. Nobody benefits from sexism, nobody. The patriarchy fucks over men and boys, not as much as it fucks women over to be sure, but everyone benefits if we smash it.

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