My fiancé is thinking about leaving me

I know this seems like your low point, but any man who would do this to you is a tool and not worth your time. Looking at his reaction, if he does this when you are not yet married it likely won’t get better after you are married and my bet is he holds it over you for a very long time. Every time he does something wrong that upsets you, and he will, he’ll bring this back up.

You are a person with a sexual past. You shouldn’t be made to feel guilty about your past and you can discuss it with whomever you choose. It’s yours, not his. If he’s not man enough to come to terms with the fact that you aren’t a virgin then, again, he isn’t worth your time. You are not in the wrong here, he is, 100%. By involving your family the way he did is just a hint about the control issues and likely abuse you’re likely to suffer in the future if you go through with this marriage. You’re probably better off with him gone even though it doesn’t feel like it at the moment.

In regards to suicide, please don’t do anything rash. It might all seem hopeless now but I promise these feelings will pass with time. There are hotlines you can call, or even go visit with a priest or pastor. Even if you aren’t a religious person, they are trained counselors and can help you talk through your problems. You can even send me a message and I’ll talk with you from half way around the world. This guy is not worth you ending your life over.

/r/Marriage Thread