My Fordyce Spots are so bad, I do not want to live anymore.

I feel you. I have a way worse than average case as well. All over my shaft, not just the bottom but towards the top too. Only safe part is where my foreskin used to be. The rest has them.

A week ago today, actually, I blew an entire day absolutely miserable over having this "cursed affliction" and how disgusting and unacceptable I was because of it, lamenting the death of a sex life that never existed in the first place. I was obsessively looking at forums for reassurance, and looking at pictures of other people's dicks hoping to find someone with spots half as prominent as mine, all in vain; I was the only person I could find who has these to this extent. God I felt worthless and disgusting and I couldn't even distract myself from the residual self hatred. Rumination all day.

A week later and I barely give a shit about them. I didn't find any treatments, I didn't get any reassurance from the internet, and I couldn't find anyone like me. I just realized viscerally that it barely matters anyway. Part of what helps is that I'm bisexual and I can empathize with a partner who is attracted to dick; if my partner had the same thing, I would barely care.

People that like dick barely care. There are people who it MIGHT POSSBLY be a deal breaker for, but there are plenty more who It woudln't be, and the only thing telling you otherwise is whatever anxious mental entity that is torturing you. They're not giant, inflamed, puss filled infectious boils. They're literally completely benign clogged glands that It probably took you years to notice . Even if they are noticed they are the least actually gross skin condition you could have.

Life isn't porn, and bodies don't have to be completely smooth and blemishless to be attractive. Especially to two genuinely horny people that are finally finding an opportunity.

/r/medical Thread