My former classmates died of Covid and antivaxers friends lie about it. His brother calls them out and sets the record straight.

I went to college with a girl whose little brother had Down's Syndrome. He absolutely worshipped the ground his older sister walked on. He was so upbeat, positive, loved to hug, was always smiling, and loved all of her friends. They were good to him as a family as he was happy. Fast forward to Corona-Virus. Her brother lived with the mother whose anti vaccine, "covid is a lie", pro-trump, conspiracy theory spreading bullshit was as toxic as the shit Ive seen on here. However, needless to say, they apparrently made the decision to not vaccinate him and he contracted Covid about a month ago. He died this morning. It fucking infuriates me as he absolutely worshipped everyone in his family and their stupidity killed him. It wasnt his choice. It was theirs. Motherfuckers.

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