My four year old daughter was recently diagnosed with DIPG, a rare, inoperable and incurable brain cancer...

So sorry to hear what you and your family are going thru. I was going to write a long comment about not closing doors because you personally do not agree with them as you may miss that miracle you are looking for. I know as a Father and as a Grandfather, if I was to be put into a similar situation, I would turn the world upside down searching for something, if not to cure but to minimize the effect of radiation, boost the immune system so the body can fight this terrible disease. Instead I agree entirely with what MrsPeel99 wrote with emphasis on what does your daughters Father want, this is not a decision you have to or even can make on your own it has to be a joint decision between the two of you. With reference to the Alternative health providers I think you will find these people are highly educated with numerous degree's and with a broad experience over a wide range of health issue's. The ones I know have been in practice since the early 80's, some were GP's moving into natural health at least 2 of them hold degrees in biochemistry and they promote natural health as a complementary element not a substitute to conventional medicine, unless of course there is no cure as you state with mainstream medicine. If it is not going to harm your daughter in any way, what have you got to lose - It may not help, but it wont do any more harm than radiation and WHAT IF that miracle lies within..... do you really want to miss it? Please step back put your personal convictions to one side and think what s best for your daughter and if those close family members happened to be parents do not push them away as you will be needing all their support in the coming months. Wishing you, your daughter and all your family the very best.

/r/cancer Thread