My friend has autism his wish for Christmas is to get 1,000 hits on this video.

Why would you want 1k views on a video that is locked and can't be seen by the public? It even states on the home page of this youtuber that it is not published can can't be seen by the public.

Along with it there are things people would never do, like make themselves a public laughing stock. For example the "Ayyyy yoooo." bit, he was moving the camera on purpose to show the little kids reaction like it was some funny thing to do. Along with the part of him in the car pretending to jack off, his friend was smiling and laughing the whole time, you can also see at the end of the video he snaps back to not joking about the stunt he just pulled. This video has 0 context for ASD and people who want to validate it are shameful.

PLUS if you look at the post history of these three commenters this is their first ever post, by that you can assume that this is the same person who made the video. It is wrong and should be discouraged in this subreddit.

^ after this line I didn't look at the people who commented on it. But now I know they are fake accounts just to make people look at this video. PATHETIC. Do not look at this video, do not give it validation. It is a stab in the back to people who are ASD, it is another teen cringe video making fun of ASD.

/r/autism Thread Link -