My friend group forgot today is my birthday and went to see a movie we had plans to see without me

I really hope OP drops these "friends". From my own experience, these are the types of people who will send you some fucked up texts like this, and if you don't have a huge reaction or draw a line, it just becomes the norm for them. They assume you'll be fine being treated like this whenever it's convenient for them to do so.

A little personal context: In high school I had a group of friends that were basically my only social outlet. There was some party happening at the end of junior year which we had talked about during school. Afterwards, I texted our group chat asking about when we were going, what the plans were, etc. No one responded for hours so I assumed it just wasn't happening. Cut to about 1 hr after the party was supposed to start, they all (in the SAME group chat) start talking about how they all had to walk through the woods and then run away from the cops cause the party got busted. Every single other person in the chat went together, without me. They didn't even acknowledge that I might have a reaction to this at all. I personally texted the one I was closest to in the group and managed to get a sheepish "sorry" with no explanation.

I stayed with that group of friends throughout my senior year, and the treatment didn't become any different. It was clear that I "accepted" my role in the group as an "optional" friend. By the time I was ready for college, I had already decided that I had no interest in continuing relationships with these people, and that was one of the most important decisions I've made to grow socially as a person.

However, I did reach back out to that one person I was closest with after we both started college. She shared some authentic remorse and regret with how I was treated in high school and we both got a lot off our chest. We are now still close friends to this day. People can make mistakes, and they can grow from them. Give them the chance to show you if they're willing, and if not, it's time to find new friends.

/r/mildlyinfuriating Thread Link -