My friend received this message after confronting the owners for not showing up or being hours late to their meetings and presentations for a project that they would spend hours a day on for an unpaid internship.

So, I hate to kinda be on the owners side, but I kinda get it on this one. Many times I am forced to rack and stack meetings to the point that low priority ones get dropped. An intern meeting would likely be at the bottom of my priorities and then to be confronted by one who is "offended" would certainly lead to that person being let go. Frankly it looks like both parties are assholes here, I mean there really was no need to shit can the entire program and he isn't wrong, internships, even unpaid, do cost the company some money.

That said, the owner really should have let them know he wouldn't make it and damn, that message is a hot mess of issues. Maybe he should hire an Admin Assistant to help with things like this rather than getting into a pissing match with interns.

/r/antiwork Thread Link -