My friend says y'all ain't got shit. 20yo Male

“Out of Area 51” is right! As in this one looks like the disappointment his CIA employed father feared above all else, and not qualified to get into the higher level bases even if he wanted to. More like “American Don’t”. Maybe mommy was hitting the bottle too much, because I know your dad was willing to invest in the “perfect pair of jeans”: then you came along.

Sorry, Steve. This is actually Roger. I’m just in a bad mood because your whore mother drank all my peach flavored schnapps! Waaaaa! You’re still useless. I just thought you should know.

Just kidding. You look “sharp eyed” to me. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to meditate and learn martial arts, you know. Telekinesis isn’t just going to learn itself, Steve.

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