My friend is trying to make me feel guilty by using my mental illness against me. What do I do?

i agree with you guys this particular forum just doesnt allow for much detail. so basically my friend is very stubborn. i invited her to celebrate my birthday which happens to fall on thanksgiving weekend and wanted to go to her home town ATL and she still couldnt commit to one day, i was disappointed but said to keep me posted. i later said i would be so grateful if she came and she just started spewing off excuses. yes she has been overseas for 7 years but i thought she could spare one day so i called her dramatic lol. then she goes off about her grandma dying and im like alright whatever. she proceeds to call me disgusting for not thinking about her family and being a brat because i wanted her to come to my birthday party. in her town mind you. then she goes on about how she has been putting up with my abuse for years and i constantly lash out at my friends, none of her business, and she wont talk to me until i get "better." i have anxiety and depression and anyone who understands knows how it feels. sometimes i do lash out but only when im really hurt or angry, yes i had some words with her after that. she told me i have meltdowns every few months and she wont put up with it anymore. for those of you who dont understand mental illness asking for someone to get better and not being supportive is like asking them to make their tumor go away before talking to them again. i only say that because she has one that is benign, another excuse she used. i ended up in the hospital after this conversation overdosing on pills and she still refused to talk to me or accept my apology. now i am out and home and doing the best i can do and i had to block her. am i in the wrong here at all or fuck this narcissistic bitch?!

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