My friend at work was accidentally sent to a special round table meeting with President Obama. guess which one he is (story in comments)

I have a variety of problems with this (is that right?) and I'm going to outline them. Keep up if you can, but your organization of the above comment indicates that this will be an exercise in futility. When I first read your comment, I was shocked by the vehemence that was embedded in it. And I quote: better onto me than those lazy scumbag parents If I ask myself, "Why is he so bitter?" I can only respond with two possibilities: either A - You were unemployed/homeless at one point in time and resent others for "panhandling" with lesser shame than you did. I'll get back to this point later. B - You're envious of the handouts others receive without "doing work". To this I would simply state that that is complete and utter bullshit. In this case, you're arrogant and selfish, wanting to be paid for what is "technically" nothing, but many would argue that you're a complete fucking idiot. Ideas and innovation are not nothing. Now onto the next section: whom don't post sob stories on reddit for donations when they will work hard to overcome their challenges instead of ask for donations. Ohhh my god wrong again. You just don't get it. And you're not right about these things. I see a huge level of projection when I read this post. You bled all over the comment and have no facts to back up a single piece of it. Here are a few facts, some anecdotal, some not: I worked at a grocery store for a long while. The panhandler who operated on the local highway exit would cash in her bills for cigarettes, money orders, and lotto tickets through me. She wasn't buying alcohol.... but I did learn eventually from her own mouth that she started panhandling in college, but continued to do it because the money was better than her job in nursing postgrad. God this woman even had a set of "panhandling" clothes. I saw her on days she wasn't working and she would be totally dolled up. She regularly used her phone in front of me. It was newer than mine. This is in direct conflict with your issue of lazy scumbags. A nurse would not be characterized by the term "lazy", nor would someone who works full time and panhandles on the side. Additionally, because she is gainfully employed, this woman is infringing upon the so-called "nobility" of begging. It follows that not all beggars are noble, and so begging is not necessarily a noble undertaking. What about all of the truly desperate people she is theoretically stealing cash from? She occupies the most lucrative spot in my town. You can't deny she is being ignoble. Here's another one: People who beg on the internet are no more or less valid than those that beg on street corners. Based on the previous example that I have generously donated from my own life, the existence of ignoble panhandlers has been established, but not a statistic for their existence versus the digital versions, we cannot assume that there are more online than not. Should you be able to find a peer-reviewed article on this subject, I would be happy to read it and thank you (I could not). I did however, find an absurd number of articles implying that most beggars are full of shit. And personally, I can say from traveling that this is true. You can't fucking fake clothes worn every second for the last year in rainy days and cold nights on hard pavement. But this is all basic shit. L2P, noob. What do you know about the world? Your entire premise is based on assumptions. You assume that everyone on the internet who begs for help via referencing their children is a liar, but that all the beggars in the world who do the same and show their face are not. This simply isn't true. Not only that, but it's not fucking smart. A smart beggar would go to the internet, because people, in a world composed largely of shared media and background checks (with the added threat of facial recognition) don't put I BEGGED TO SURVIVE on their resume whether or not it was true. That being said those who ask online are smarter and better. They apply the local resources (assuming that they aren't totally full of shit) to their maximum advantage. Furthermore, the groups are not mutually exclusive. This is what is called "the invisible hand". It means that successful practices are exactly that and inferior methods begin to fail in contrast and die out. Who can fault them for maybe being more productive? Given that they truly need money, this is fine. But you... you don't need money. YOU are the thief that you so easily painted in this comment; the man who took without justification - blaming others with only your own hypotheses to back you up. Kid. If your hypotheses are twice as good as your English, you're in trouble. I think I've said pretty much everything that I wanted to, and I'm sure I wasted far too much time hoping to correct your thinking patterns. P.S. Look up the term "cognitive bias". You should probably read... the whole list. TL;DR: In the words of my treasured SO, you are an unimaginative fuckwad.

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