My frustration with this sub and leftists in general.

First, identify your enemy.

Your enemy may go by different names. It might champion intentionally vague values like freedom and opportunity. It could be a country, a corporation, a religious institution. Your enemy had unlimited resources. They feed on the gullibility and "disposable" income of their followers. So now you have two major problems:

  • Convince their followers to rebel

Rebellion could be a general labor strike across a nation, a military coup, unanimous refusal to vote, citizen blockades and the likes. Unless food prices reach extremes, it is a rare thing for any population to decide to suddenly rebel in mass numbers. If you are anything close to a minority, you lose.

  • Modern Militarism

The word "tankie" gets thrown around a lot. Sometimes its a reasonable slur, referring to people who overly defend CINO (communist in name only) countries like China and North Korea. Sometimes it is driven by hysteria, by delusional pacifists who think any use of force is authoritarian and thus counter-revolutionary. This latter group is a frustrating lot.

But at the same time, look at any "modern" military. They have laser guided missiles. Intercontinental ballistic missiles. Nuclear warheads that can completely erase cities. Chemical and biological weapons. Billions of bullets. Millions of soldiers. Who knows how many allies?

So you have these two problems - most people are delusional, and those that aren't have no realistic ability to do anything even if the can seize some major media outlet and convince masses of people. One military might detect to the people's cause, but certainly not all militaries. Where one military defects, another sees opportunity in the unrest.

So what can we do other than complain?

Frankly and sadly, not a whole fuckin lot.

/r/LateStageCapitalism Thread