My Generation’s Best Chance Is Socialism

The alternative to having a job sucks ass, that doesn't mean the economic transaction is involuntary. There are millions of employers; no single legal employer employee relationship is coerced. That's the thing about capitalism; it incentivizes one to CONTRIBUTE to society rather than leech off of it.

And why in the hell should workers automatically own the factors of production? Did they invest the capital? Did they take the risk? If a firm declares bankruptcy, would you be in favor of employees being PERSONALLY liable for all debts incurred by the company? I didn't think so. A big reason why employees help generate the value that they do is because someone ELSE invested the capital needed, took on the risk to actually get the business off the ground, of COURSE they should get all the benefits after all the factors of production (including labor) are paid. Investing in a company and reaping the benefits is not "leeching" off of society. You are free to do it yourself.

Doing jack shit, expecting the government to GIVE you money, money that someone else earned, THAT is leeching off of society.

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