My GF and me (16F) sneak onto college campus, fuck and get high with older boys.

reported for harassment. learn to read. this might help from one of my fave people on here...

Purelyselfish MN H 23 points 3 months ago* Maybe (and this is a long shot I know) she doesn't actually give a shit if you believe her or not. I mean I'm sure I'm way off base here, clearly, but there's a tiny chance that a bunch of guys on the Internet thinking she's a dude isn't important enough to her to put pics of herself up.

Pure speculation on my part. I'm really just spit-balling here. What if she doesn't feel obligated to prove anything to you, a random guy showing up in a thread? Hard to fathom.

Now this next one is just plain silly but what if you didn't have to be here if you didn't believe her? Whaaaat? It would be like this weird alternate dimension where she didn't have to prove anything and you were free to fuck off if you didn't like it. That would be fucking weird. I'm feeling trippy just thinking about it.

Also this is LITERALY the top post of the sub and stickied for you to learn about the sub. might help...

/r/stupidslutsclub Thread Parent