My girlfriend drew Star Guardian Nami in watercolor

Hello.. It is I.. The Girlfriend™. I wanted to address some questions people have!

What's wrong with the face though

  • Are you referring to my technical skill? If so, It's because I'm not very good yet! Everything I make is like practice to become the artist I wanna be. -^
  • If you are talking about why it doesn't "look" like Nami, well, that is a choice I made. I took a lot of inspiration from the Nami concept art. Where her pale blonde 'hair' (fin...thing) is more noticeable, and her nose is a bit more pronounced. I changed her eyes and face because in this concept, she is supposed to be a magical girl! Flying through the skies and kicking butt in the city. Her big round fish eyes might not work so well out of water for that! ;D I imagined during the transformation scene (like the one they made for Ahri,) she gets more humanized for the job of being a Star Guardian. Though it's NOT perfect, it is what it is.

"My girlfriend"

  • Mirkkatje is exactly right; I don't use Reddit very often, and rarely if ever visit the League one. ;; We had no idea it was a meme and sorta regret it now lol. He should have just typed "I made this" and the post wouldn't have changed much.

AS for the rest!! Thank you all! I would have loved to add a staff but the paper I used is only so big (I broke the law of keeping the concept within the papers edges already!) And I would have loved to make her hair a different color but Raka and Lulu took green and MF and Ahri took orange.. Blue would have been too much. So plat blonde it is. (Of course these are all artists excuses.. shh)


/r/leagueoflegends Thread