Is my girlfriend embarrassed of me? If so, what do I do about it?

That was almost me when i was 19 and he was 30. I was immature and I pretty much moved in with him right away and he did all the household work and chores and often helped me with things in life. I was kind of embarrassed of him due to age gap at first but he was such an amazing person that I did end up introducing him to my family and friends and they loved him.

Every situation is completely different obviously. Our relationship didn’t work out (the biggest reason was because he did so much for me and i felt constantly like i was taking advantage of him and like i never had enough room to grow and make mistakes and be independent). Despite our marriage ending in a mutual decision when I was 30, we stayed best friends all the years after (im now 36). and he is still close my family and friends.

Anyways good luck!

/r/datingoverthirty Thread