My girlfriend refuses to say a word about sex to me but does with everyone else.

I’ve asked her what positions she likes or wants to do, nothing. I’ve asked her if she wants me to be more rough or more gentle, nothing. I’ve asked her if she likes our sex, nothing. I’ve asked her if I make her feel good, nothing. I’ve asked her what I can do to make sure she’s enjoying the sex, nothing. I’ve asked her if she wants to have sex with the lights on or off, nothing. I’ve asked her if I can go down on her more, nothing. I’ve asked her if she has any kinks, nothing.

The list goes on.

I can not get a word out of her about sex.

When we were first talking she told me she’s never talked about sex before so I thought she was just new to talking about it which is ok, but now that I know that was a lie idk what to do.

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