My girlfriend sent me this. I feel like it belongs here.

Wow, you must be pretty wealthy to not understand how someone can’t afford to pay $2,000 a month for a nanny. ($2,000 is taking min. Wage in CA and employment taxes in account.) Well, I’ve got news for you, not everyone can afford a nanny. If you make $50k a year, $24k is half of your income without taking taxes into account. Even if you make $100k a year, $2,000 a month is a lot. That’s why in home daycare exists. It’s far less expensive than a nanny because they take care of multiple kids. In many places, $800 a month is reasonable or above the going rate for daycare.

I really don’t get how people are mom shaming someone who is offering to pay money for a service. We don’t even know what the rates are where she lives. IMO, op is ridiculous for posting this and everyone commenting on this post is lacking in common sense.

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