Is my goal realistic?

Your weekly goal is $90.50, so you're going to have to earn an average of $9.05 / hr on MTurk in those 10 hours a week you're committing to.

I'm too new to say it's impossible. There are folks who do it for sure, but you might have a few things going against you.

  1. There's a learning curve to doing this. You're probably not going to be able to hit that goal right away.

  2. This is the leaner part of the year. I hear that things will get better in a few months.

  3. If you can't work MTurk in the best hours, it's a steeper uphill climb. Early in the day is typically the most lucrative time for me and I think for many others. That doesn't mean that exceptions don't exist. The weekends are not great for most people either, so if your 10 hours is then, it's going to be even harder.

My best guess is that you can put a dent in that $362 car payment, but you're going to struggle to fully fund it through MTurk. That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

Don't forget that your MTurk earnings are taxable income, so you actually have to earn more than the above numbers to hit your goal and pay the taxes.

For reference, I'm doing about $180 a week, but I get to work during the prime hours and I check in pretty much all day. (I don't actively work all day, I just monitor Hit Finder and Hit Catcher every now and then.) I actively Turk about 30 hours a week. On the flip side, I'm new (I'm in my 5th week) so I'll hopefully get better with time, but I don't expect to keep hitting the level I'm pulling right now again until next autumn.

/r/mturk Thread