My grandmother passed, but cut me out of the will a month before she died

If anything, let this be a lesson to always open dialogue when possible. So often, people suspend their thoughts and don’t speak their truths. If there was one thing church was good at, it was keeping everyone on the same page!! Now that the churches are dead, everyone is left to rattle on in the echochasms of the internet. What’s important is to approach everyone with a clear and open mind, most importantly your family and the people in your circle. Knowledge is your sword and shield. Learn as much as you can and don’t close off ideas from liberals or conservatives- I’m not talking politically, but the fundamental ideas that they are representing and trying to express. The more you immerse yourself in the truth the more you can understand where people shy away and fail to understand themselves. For instance, I know first hand that republicans fear gay people. Right off the bat it sounds like bs and the first response is to scrutinize their fear. The deeper issue at its core, is that the lgbtq movement at first glance gives off the impression of a hyper sexual crowd. When adults are so openly expressing a sexual identity and involving minors in the discussion, it makes people think of pedophilia and child abuse even if that’s not the intention. Most conservatives won’t even take the conversation this far, but that’s why they feel an ick towards it. Most just don’t have the words to actually express it.

The vice versa is also 100% true. The repression of sexuality has well known resulted in pedaphiles running rampant in religion and churches. They were just “hidden” because sex was taboo and no one shared their truths!

One has to believe their is some middle ground and reckoning to be had but it will never come to that if people stick on one ideology and don’t discuss it.

As for the prolife movement, it’s not so much about forcing unwanted rape babies to be born, but it’s a deeper issue that we have to face which is how are we as a collective going to value life? Do we want to live in a world where a woman can throw away 20 babies like it’s nothing? We have to have some degree of an agreement on how we value unborn life as it is very VERY entangled with how we view living lives! We’ve already justified war, this is the next step. If everyone stopped voicing their concern for unborn life than that would be more unnecessary slaughter under our belt as a collective. Like everything else, once the idea is out there, it’s not going to go away. Abortion has its place but how can we all agree to use it a tool to make life better for those that need it and not something that devalues life at its core?

The less people talk in real life, the more power hungry entities speak for us. It’s not wise to let all your information be one sided as anyone can be easily become a husk of information that is passing through you without critical thought.

I’m sorry she didn’t leave you any money. It’s sad that a family member would rather die on a hill than at least try to eye to eye you. I hope you can find some contentment in it. People need to stop picking out their favorite ideas to express and actually talk to their fellow humans in a much more real sense.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread