My grandpa hasn’t been able to get a job in years and it’s been really hard. today he starts his new valet job and he’s SO excited and looks so spiffy in his uniform!!

Anecdotal: but I figured people that want to work a random job late in life because they want to don’t have any hobbies they enjoy and would just be sitting in the house all day otherwise.

My grandma went full artist when she retired and is still making art in her late 80s. She has a group of friends that she meets up with to do ceramics and painting. She’s also got a group of people she does water aerobics with. My mom basically did the same except she travels a ton too.

My step-mom is about to retire and I worry she’s just going to nose dive, she has no active / stimulating hobbies. She goes home, drinks, and watches tv. She doesn’t really have friends that aren’t from work.

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