My Grandparents are retiring their 52 (almost 53) year old Toaster, "Old Toastie" that they got as a wedding present.

Except there are obvious problems there:

  1. At a certain point, a toaster is just a toaster. It's not like a computer where things are pretty much constantly either improving or dropping in price. There is a finite amount of improvements that can be made to most products. Seriously: Once you have a toaster that is quick, efficient and does the job, what improvement is there to be made?

  2. There's an old adage: High quality, long life, low price, pick two. Improvements to quality are either going to shorten lifespan (as there are more and more points of failure) or raise price. And the fact is, people in many cases do NOT pay for quality. They would rather buy a $10 toaster every couple years for decades, rather than spend $50 to buy one for life.

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