My height is becoming a crippling insecurity, advice?

So first thing's first. Don't refer to women as females. Immediately gonna establish an "ick" factor with that.

Personality, confidence, intelligence and style counts for a lot. Getting fit could give you a boost in mood and in being comfortable in your own skin as well. The most important part is being secure who you are in the present. It's not easy, but I've noticed that self-awareness and a great sense of humor really draw people in. Don't go overboard with the self-deprecation. But the ability to acknowledge it and laugh things off can probably get you pretty far with friends and casual dating. (I say all this because I personally wish I could be more easy-going sometimes. Could make life so much easier.)

Before you start a serious relationship with anyone, you should ask yourself: Is person worthy of my trust, respect and admiration? Are they ready to give that back 100% in return? If yes, then you have a beautiful thing going.

Good luck man.

/r/socialskills Thread