My Honda dealership put me in time out.

We aren't getting the full story, there's no way. I'm a Service Manager, and have been for 15 years.

There is nothing that gets you on the let me get you 'directions to the next dealer list' outside just being an ass, and difficult to work with. And even then, it's hard to as we want to re-make that money off you we lost.

There's a saying. I don't want all the customers, just the good ones.

It makes no sense to fire a customer that netted you down -10k, you have to recoop somehow back from that person, they had time to rewind that deal, inspect your car, etc. That's their fuck up, I've seen our sales do far worse and maintain a solid reputation with the customer. That story doesn't get you on that list /alone/.

Did you bomb them on a survey, multiple bad calls? Customer service issues? Come in hot to the service department?

Either way, once you are actually a 'fired' customer. You don't get off that list.

/r/askcarsales Thread