My husband (27M) of 5 years shoved me (25F) last night, and I'm not sure if I'm overreacting.

Why do you tolerate this? Do you realise that there are men out there who will do their fair share of their housework rather than expecting you to be their servant? Do you realise that there are men out there who will never lay a finger on you or make you feel threatened under any circumstances? Do you realise that there are men out there who will listen to what you have to say and treat you like an equal all the time, rather than treating you badly then apologising for it? And if you do know that there are good men out there, why are you still with this awful man?

He’s abusive, you’re not overreacting, you don’t need to put up with this, and you won’t regret divorcing him. That’s all I can say.

/r/relationships Thread