My husband of 7 years left me for my daughters friend

Yeah here's on from an old post:

Ill make this as short as possible. I have 3 evil older sisters, 1 i thought one was my best friend and actually loved me like a sister. She knows i suffer with severe depression and would open up about my many suicide attemps. She knows im truley miserable, they all do but she knows t what extent. She knows i have 0 friends and shes literally the only human i communicate with otherwise im completely alone. I leftmy boyfriend today because i believe he isnt physically atracted to me, it hurts but its absoluty fine. I wanted to tak to my sister about it but i hear her with the other two talking about how much of a failur my life is.they talk ahit about me everyday and my parents hate me because i abuse alcohol and drugs to numb the pain. They use my misery and sucide attemps and drug abuse against me. Humiliate me to my entire family. Honestly done so much shit. I honesty have had the worst year of my life. I have no one to talk to. I feel like im losing my mind. Im so alone, i dont know what to do. I have no job. Im literally nothing. What worries me is that ive become numb to this feeling.

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