My husband is going away and I’ve never been this anxious

Came here to post something similar and found your post, maybe this helps. I'm having horrible anxiety attacks, my wife is travelling aboard for a job right now for 2 months, and I get extremely anxious when she doesn't answer for more than 2 hours (I think something horrible happened). I feel physically sick, my chest hurts, etc. I was tired for this and started therapy 2 weeks ago, the therapist told me to just tell her (I didn't wanna to worry her) how I was feeling, and she started to answer more frequently, and we set a time for the day to just chat 10-15 min. This is helping me a little bit while I dig deeper with the therapist. Maybe telling your husband how you feel, and set an hour to talk every day, will make it better. And If your therapy isn't working, maybe seek another therapist, or another kind of therapy like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which I heard very good stuff about.

Another comment that kinda helped me on Reddit was this:

"My therapist taught me to talk to my anxiety as if it’s a person. We named it Lisa. So when my thoughts are spiraling out of control and I’m getting overwhelmed I’ll say something like “Lisa you’re being really unhelpful… Lisa, none of the things you’re saying make sense because of xyz…” and so on."

Sorry If this doesn't help, and English is not my first language. Hang in there!

/r/Anxiety Thread