My husband [M28] keeps texting a coworker [F30], when is it too much?

If she is doing these things, it sounds like she's not a good candidate for friendship. Like if she's touchy and neither he nor you like it and she has to be that way with every man (why not all women too?) Or if she's a big texter/chatter then it doesnt fit well with level and pace of communication he has with his other relationships and friendships. She likes the male attention and knows where to get it. This is something your husband needs to be careful about.

I work with a girl that's like this woman you're describing, nice and sweet to her female colleagues like me, but always with a male coworker, very flirty and touchy, i know 3 guys that had crushes on her which she politely declined, but not without a little bit of fanfare. She ultimately got a guy in another group fired because someone else reported her relationship with a guy she had no reason to be talking to so much as they weren't in the same parts of the company at all as suspicious. People could see his name on her phone as the person she was texting. They could see his name always on her screen in the company chat. From an outsider, it looked like she was being taken advantage of by a more senior, older, married man and they assumed she didnt know any better and didnt know how to curb his attention. Which may have been true One of our colleagues that was brought in by her as a referral was drunk one night and i was seeing her home and she told me how fucked up this girl was for letting her desire for male attention create these semi serious work allegations. That she didnt like the after hours socializing with ber because the nature of interaction felt inappropriate and sexualized and that she wanted to distance herself personally and professionally after seeing this side of her. I didn't know what to think because im against victim blaming but ive also seen her actions firsthand and have seen her do this with sooooo many guys. Sure enough the guy she was talking about gets fired and his boss comes forward and says "if you fire him for this, i walk." And they still did - and he walked and that's actually how we all know about it. Perception is reality when it comes to work. Your husband can be super honest about it to her.

/r/relationships Thread