My idea of a “fixed” Decisive Strike

I am going to get hate for this, but I thought semi-tunneling was really the only viable way to play anyone that wasn't Nurse or billy. Now I didn't really hardcore tunnel or anything, but I always went for the injured person if I was by a hook and someone was unhooked. It only made sense, and survivor mistakes like that were the only reason I was able to get above 2 kills. I took a break from the game, and when I found out that they basically took it away, I don't really understand how killers can really succeed in this game anymore. I mean I guess some do, but SWF's must be having a field day or something. Before the nerf, no killer was really anti-tunnel and only survivors were against it, but now it seems everyone is against it. Is slugging the meta now? I can't imagine killers suceeding in any other way? Or were survivors nerfed somehow in a different way? This is genuine btw I am actually curious. I guess it only made sense due to player division that the side with 4x more players would get preference. It just always seemed like Billy and Nurse were hardcore OP and the rest of the killers were weak. I don't know why they didn't just balance that out.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread