My idea for a new hero

I've heard rumors of a hacker type character from the original overwatch crew, which has got me thinking of some unique abilities that I think could blend great into the game. How about a character that can create a decoy of himself. An ability that splits you in two in some unpredictable way and creates a replica of yourself that,when shot, will stun the shooter for one second and/or do small damage proprtional maybe to damage of the attack. I feel like this could be a great ability for a unique support class or even a tank. To go with that he could have a "gun hack". This could be a projectile that tags an enemy for a couple seconds and turns their normal damage into healing for you or the rest of your team. Just imagine the satisfaction of turning a deathblossom into transcendence. His ultimate could be releasing 5 or more decoys at once to control an area and shut down spammers like junkrat and bastion. What do you guys think? What abilities and weapon would pair well with this?

/r/Overwatch Thread