My IQ is 147. My friend keeps comparing herself to me and it's destroying her self-esteem.

I agree. Plus, why do you care if she thinks something? No ones world is gonna come crashing down if she has the wrong answer over such a minor thought. It is a tough place. Sounds like your friend was embarrassed and frustrated. People usually criticize themselves heavily in times when they are wrong. Told they are wrong and then have the evidence put in their face. Nothing like good old public humiliation at the hands of a friend to make ya hate yourself. I think if you're such a smart person, you may consider reading up on human behavior and thought. If you worried about relationships with other, look into what YOU can do to help them. Also consider, not everyone is blessed to be bright and intelligent. Being right about something so minor and petty shouldn't be as important as your friends feelings or you dont care enough about them to even need this advice. I hope y'all can have a happy friendship. I wish you luck.

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