My Jewish Identity Crisis [Advice Welcome]

Hey actually a question i might be able to answer!

Maybe not though, i was raised non-religious by my parents. My father is a jew and we did all the high holidays and shabbat at my grandmothers home. however my parents are both anti-religion, and neither practice. I had a conversion ceremony when i was younger but to me the things that make me Jewish are more my experiences with my Jewish grandparents, that's something that I can't escape. Regardless of how much i go to temple I hold those memories and no matter what I say my non-jewish girlfriend will always be a point of contention.

I choose to focus on what makes me feel Jewish, those experiences can never be taken away and don't require believing fully in to have a meaningful impact on your life. In my opinion (no offense) you're Jewish like I am because of our shared cultural heritage. I think people need to be more proud and accepting of the cultural aspects and try and help people to find where they fit. Cheers and I hope this helped at all!

/r/Judaism Thread